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Figure 1 | Molecular Pain

Figure 1

From: Nerve injury induces robust allodynia and ectopic discharges in Nav1.3 null mutant mice

Figure 1

Generation of floxed and global Na v 1.3 KO mice. (A) Schematic representation of Nav1.3 WT locus, targeting construct, floxed allele and global KO allele. (B) Southern blotting of tail DNA with BamHI and 5' probe confirms correct insertion of the targeting construct and (C) deletion of floxed exons in global KO mice. (D) RT-PCR on 1 μg of total RNA from P0 Brain confirms complete deletion of exon 4&5 in global KO mice. (E) Alignment of sequence of KO (red) and WT (black) RT-PCR bands shows the deleted 221 bp. Splicing of exon 3 (red) and 6 (black) causes frame shift and a truncated protein (asterisk = stop codon). (F) Sequencing of the WT RT-PCR shows that the P0 brain contains the two forms of exon five. The adult form is about 4 times more than the neonatal form.

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