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Figure 2 | Molecular Pain

Figure 2

From: Lack of evidence for ectopic sprouting of genetically labeled Aβ touch afferents in inflammatory and neuropathic trigeminal pain

Figure 2

ION transection caused long-lasting mechanical allodynia but no sprouting of labeled trigeminal Aβ afferents at the early phase of this neuropathic pain model. (A) Unilateral ION transection induced mechanical allodynia in ipsilateral side lasting more than 3 weeks. Higher behavior score indicated an increased aversive response to von Frey filament stimulation. Results represent means ± SEM. P-values represent comparison to sham values (*P < 0.05). Differences were determined by Student’s t test between two groups, or one-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc Bonferroni test for multiple groups. n = 6 mice for each group. (B) Schematic of experimental procedure for results shown in C-E. (C) Representative spinal caudalis (SpC) section from Pv-CreER; Ai14 transgenic mice 3 days after ION injury on the left side, and sham operation on the right side. Red: labeled Aβ axon collaterals; Green: IB4-488 staining marked lamina II; Blue: DAPI. (D-E) High magnification of boxed areas in C. Scale bar: 100 μm.

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